These stones, ancient, raw, grand,

My song is the ancestors speaking through me, she is my voice, boundless and free.

I still greenly grow

covers and water pillows

a blanket of subtle sky wool

These stones, ancient, raw, grand, My song is the ancestors speaking through me, she is my voice, boundless and free. I still greenly grow covers and water pillows a blanket of subtle sky wool



Natalie’s writing is multidimensional, and thought-provoking.

Natalie writes poetry, articles on arts and leadership, and commentary on social and political topics from an anti-oppression perspective.

Natalie’s poetry explores themes of home, identity, relationship, and humanity. Natalie has shared her poetry through music commissions, and speaks it at concerts, political protests, and community events.


  • Commissioned by Chronos Vocal Ensemble. The poem, set to music by Matthew Emery, is about the pandemic, based on Anna Maria Almond’s COVID-19 story. The piece is dedicted to her and all victims of COVID-19.

    I Breathe Poem

    I Breathe Composition Link

  • This poem was set to music by Matthew Emery, in a commission by the Oakville Choir for Children and Youth. The poem explores themes of how with all of our beautiful differences of identity, we are all also human. What would life be if we embraced both at once?

  • This poem was set to music in a multidisciplinary video by Slow Pitch Sound and the Gather Round Singers, as part of the Grounds for Goodness project. The poem was translated into ASL by Tamyka Bullen. The poem explores how just like ants, together we may build homes of belonging with and for each other.

Poetry Commissions Set to Music


Natalie is often invited to write and contribute to articles on arts and leadership.

“Don’t Forget About Us” - Walk With Amal at Luminato Festival The Wholenote Magazine June 2023

Podium Conference and Change Leadership Choral Canada "Anacrusis" November 2022

Reimagining Concerts Longy School of Music "The Ensemble" February 2022

Composition as Journey and Memoir Choirs Ontario "Dynamic” March 2022

Choral Music in the Pandemic and Beyond Choral Canada "Anacrusis" February 2021

Building Connection in Times of Isolation (co-writer) Canadian Music Education Association Journal June 2020